Butterton Bus Shelter Fund Raising

Starting as an informal book swap for villagers trapped by lockdown in 2020, the Bus Shelter has developed into a village institution and as a fund raiser for local village needs. In 2023 we decided to formalise the arrangements, by turning it into a charity named Butterton Community Giving. We have four trustees, and the latest accounts are available on this site.

Anyone can drop in at the Bus Shelter which is located in front of the church and across the road from the Black Lion pub. As well as books, villagers and visitors to Butterton have left all kinds of bric-a-brac and local produce on the tables in the Bus Shelter which are then available to collect. Anyone taking an item from the Bus Shelter is invited to make a donation. By the end of 2024, cumulative donations received totalled £16,000. The Bus Shelter ‘shop’ is open from Spring until Autumn.

If you don't have cash with you, we would like to make you aware that the Shelter now accepts credit and debit cards as well as payment by bank transfer. Use the Wifi generously beamed across the road by the pub, and scan the QR code which is in the Shelter and this takes you straight to our donation page. Alternatively you can make a donation by clicking the donate button below.

Villagers are invited to suggest causes for the fund raising and are kept abreast of news via the monthly Community Newsletter and the Butterton village Facebook page.

Donors with bric-a-brac for the Bus Shelter are asked not to leave:

  • Anything hazardous or inappropriate for example alcohol, paint, knives.

  • Clothing, DVDs VHS tapes & CDs

  • Jam jars, egg boxes, out of date travel books, encyclopaedias etc.

  • Please make sure Electrical or Mechanical items work and label them ‘WORKING ORDER’.

  • Please make sure everything is clean and in a condition that you would like to receive it in.

  • We remove and dispose of anything which is potentially dangerous or unsuitable.

Money raised by the Bus Shelter has been donated to the following causes:
  • Purchase a new defibrillator for Butterton, and to provide funds for its installation and servicing and parts for the lifetime of the device.

  • Money towards the refurbishment and replacement of the village playground facilities

  • Purchase and installation of a bench situated in the churchyard for the planned Memorial Garden.

  • A grant paid to the Butterton History Group to help fund the purchase of a fireproof safe to keep irreplaceable documents relating to the history of the village.

  • A grant paid to the Wetton and Alstonefield First Responders for the purchase of a replacement medical device for the First Responder vehicle.

  • Annual grant paid to Manifold Pre-School towards their running expenses.

  • A donation to help pay for emergency repairs to the church steeple.

  • Annual grant to the local Mountain Rescue team.

  • Annual grant to the Air Ambulance.

  • Money raised towards victims of the war in Ukraine and the earthquakes in Libya, Morocco, Syria and Turkey.

Bus Shelter Accounts

Accounts 2023 Accounts 2024

For more information, contact: buttertonbusshelter@gmail.com

Bus Shelter with First Responder vehicle
Bus Shelter with First Responder vehicle
Butterton Community Giving